Slim Aarons: Once Upon a Time

Slim Aarons: Once Upon a Time

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From the end of World War II through the 1980s, Aarons photographed the rich and famous, the beautiful and the celebrated: Hollywood royalty, European aristocracy, the grande dames of high society, captains of industry, media moguls, statesmen and stars of every sort. Though upholding the glamorous image of wealth, power, talent and beauty, he saw himself as a journalist whose duty it was to inform, and this led him to develop the environmental portrait - photographs of his subjects at home, at work, at play and mingling with each other. This type of portrait has influenced a generation of photojournalists whose work can be seen in today's lifestyle magazines. This volume shows Aarons photographs of the international elite in their exclusive playgrounds during the jet-set decades of the 1950s, 60s and 70s.



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